WHS Athletic's Program
Athletic Director's Message
Athletic participation helps our students grow, learn, and enjoy themselves while they use and develop their personal, physical, and intellectual skills. Wilson High School values the lessons To get these students to be successful.
Responsibility - Be where you are suppose to be no matter what, with materials.
Accountability - own your choices
Discipline - being self motivated, believe in the fact there is only one level of effort.
Build Community and Pride in Wilson
Athletics at Wilson builds community through the engagement of students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and creates a portal through which neighboring communities can enjoy the Wilson experience. Wilson has a great history to its name but we strive to teach our students to learn and respect from the past in continuing the legacy. We all take pride in knowing that our coaches are educators and our athletes are true representatives of Wilson’s student body. Successful athletic teams generate unique excitement across the campus and community, help strengthen bonds among the various arms of our school, build pride and give our community members yet another reason to be proud to represent Wilson.
A. Gonzalez
Woodrow Wilson High School
Athletic Director