WHS Leadership
The purpose of ASB Leadership is to provide, by example, the opportunity for all Wilson students to develop strong leadership skills, such as: organization, communication, planning, accountability and responsibility. Through demonstration of these acquired skills, as well as incorporating AVID learning strategies and IB open – mindedness, Leadership students will help motivate the student body to maintain an enhanced equitable, inclusive, rigorous academic, as well as cultural environment.
Goals and Expectations
The primary goals of ASB are to create a memorable experience for all students on campus, to promote Mighty Mule unity and spirit, and to grow as student leaders. ASB actively works to ensure that student activities and campus life are alive and well.
Since the ASB requirement is for every grade level, we will insure that all students be involved in most of the student events for the school; this will help them understand what is going on in the school and figure out what we need to do next. We also expect these students to be outgoing, who will talk to any adult or student to come support Wilson in anyway necessary. Lastly, we want all students to succeed in different levels, which will help them communicate and be involved in anything in the future.
With the help of our parents, our community, and our staff, Woodrow Wilson High School will inspire our students to be successful through academics and extracurricular activities.
The ASB Cabinet, or student government, serves Wilson High School by voicing and addressing student opinions and needs, upholding the WHS ASB Constitution, overseeing the expenditures of student funds, raising funds through the Student Store, supporting and recognizing campus clubs and organizations, and sponsoring many school-wide programs and events
"I joined Leadership so that I can meet new people and help improve our school spirit. I learned how to do this by being apart of a growing community such as the one I saw at football games."
- Kaely M. | Class of 2020 -
Associated Student Body (ASB)
Since the ASB requirement is for every grade level, we will insure that all students be involved in most of the student events for the school; this will help them understand what is going on in the school and figure out what we need to do next. We also expect these students to be outgoing, who will talk to any adult or student to come support Wilson in anyway necessary. Lastly, we want all students to succeed in different levels, which will help them communicate and be involved in anything in the future.
With the help of our parents, our community, and our staff, Woodrow Wilson High School will inspire our students to be successful through academics and extracurricular activities.
The ASB Cabinet, or student government, serves Wilson High School by voicing and addressing student opinions and needs, upholding the WHS ASB Constitution, overseeing the expenditures of student funds, raising funds through the Student Store, supporting and recognizing campus clubs and organizations, and sponsoring many school-wide programs and events
"Leadership is defined as the condition of being a leader, a leader is someone who guides or directs. The Leadership class is responsible for organizing, planning, marketing, and sponsoring various activities."
- WHS Hoof-Prints | Class of 2000 -
senior class
Lead by Example
Woodrow Wilson High School Senior Class is dedicated to motivate our peers to be well rounded students and be successful after high school.
Our mission is for the Senior class to make their last school year memorable, for the Junior class to look forward to their Senior year, for the Sophomore class to be left motivated for the years to come, and especially have the Freshmen class feel welcome to Wilson High School and know that they chose the right school to attend.
How You'll Grow
In our 12th grade leadership class, you will learn how to:
plan for Junior Evening
organize and setup multiple events throughout the school year
create motivational posters that are posted around school as well as at assemblies
All these skills/knowledge/experiences will be learned by being involved in:
Homecoming Dance which occurs in the Fall
Junior Evening which occurs in the Spring
Setup/volunteer at Senior Events all year around
"When students wanted their voices to be heard, they turned to Leadership. In the new era our school leaders brought us the new and improved, "House of Representatives". These homeroom reps met monthly with Leadership to discuss inter-school matters."
- WHS Hoof-Prints | Class of 2001 -
Junior Class
Working with Students
Students in Woodrow Wilson High School should get involved in the Leadership class because it’s a chance to grow to be a leader and have the skills that will be beneficial. Being part of this organization, will help you with time management, organizing school events, and having the chance to advocate for others. When in Leadership, you will have the chance to grow as a leader by taking charge for certain events, communicating with administration and have the chance to speak what’s on your mind.
Working for Students
Students should join leadership so they can be more involved with school events, gain communication skills and creative ideas. They will look forward to having a great school year, where they will be involved in the behind the scenes of events. They also will look forward in meeting other people that are also motivated to improve our school academically and socially. These students will grow as a leader in the leadership class through communicating to other students what events are taking place at school and talking to adults on how they also can be involved in the school; they also will take initiative in group work to make sure that everyone has an open-mind set that will benefit what they are working on.
How You'll Grow
In our 11th grade leadership class, you will learn how to:
plan for Junior Evening
organize and setup multiple events throughout the school year
create motivational posters that are posted around school as well as at assemblies
All these skills/knowledge/experiences will be learned by being involved in:
Homecoming Dance which occurs in the Fall
Junior Evening which occurs in the Spring
Setup/volunteer at Senior Events all year around including Prom and Graduation
"I couldn't wait to join Leadership because of all the opportunities that this organization ties into with my plans for college. For example, I learned how to take the initiative when it came to working on our Senior Hallway project."
- Joshua C. | Class of 2022 -
Sophomore Class
Building a Community
Community Members should be involved in Leadership because it will help them be involved with their children’s school. Being involved with Leadership will give people the chance to unite and take part of community events. They will have the chance to communicate and create events for everyone. For example, fundraisers will help the school out with events and school dances. Community Members can bring new skills to the Leadership class.
Listening and Taking Action
We believe the community should be involved with leadership because it gives them the opportunity to be more involved with their children's school activities and school life as well. They should be involved in leadership to help share their prior knowledge and skills that will benefit our achievements. Our community members should look forward to help spread the word of our school events to get others to participate and to also gain feedback on how to improve. Our community will grow as a whole to lead because being involved in leadership shows how students will advocate for great events/opportunities and this will motivate the community to support our students.
How You'll Grow
In our 10th grade leadership class, you will learn how to:
create flyers for fundraiser
promote through social media for every event at our school
work within a larger/older group setting that involves multiple grade levels
All these skills/knowledge/experiences will be learned by being involved in:
multiple fundraisers throughout every grade level
Homecoming Dance which occurs in the Fall
Snoball Dance which happens in the beginning of Winter
"One of the biggest skills I've grown in was my ability to communicate accurately and within large group settings. During our Univision promotional event, I had to work with all our affiliates to represent a dedication towards excellence in our school community. "
- John C. | Class of 2022 -
Freshmen class
We are All Leaders
Faculty Members should be involved in Leadership so that they could learn about the activities hosted by leadership. Being more involved in Leadership will also help the students feel more support from their teachers/ staff members. If they were to get more involved in Leadership it will give the teachers an opportunity to gain skills they could carry into their class rooms.
We believe that the faculty should be involved because they are a huge part our school. They help us with a lot of our events, whether it's supervising or helping with paper work. We truly believe faculty should be involved with leadership because they help motivate students create a bright future. Our faculty should look forward in many events that will help create school spirit and also help our whole school come together as one. Faculty will also look forward in our students growing out of their comfort zones to make great opportunities for themselves. This will help faculty grow as a leader because they will help us advocate for a better future and also help us with anything we need
How You'll Grow
In our 9th grade leadership class, you will learn how to:
create letter stencils
work within a larger/older group setting
work/support others when asked to
fill out a fundraiser permit
All these skills/knowledge/experiences will be learned by being involved in:
first Spirit Week which occurs around September of each year
first fundraiser
Homecoming Parade during the fall