Police Academy
Community Safety and Services Police Academy
Magnet Program
Reinventing Public Safety for a New Generation
This magnet program envisions the future of police work characterized by professionalism, diversity, and earned community trust. Through rigorous intellectual, physical, and socially conscious training, students learn what it will take to reinvent public safety work.
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Contact UsMaribel Gonzalez
Magnet Coordinator
Dina Moreno Counselor
Marina Marquez-Corado
Faculty Co-lead
CPA Coordinator
Cortney Griffith
Faculty Co-Lead
Physical Training Teacher
Quetzal Roura
CTE Teacher:
Legal Practices

The curriculum emphasizes constitutional rights, trauma-informed psychology, public policy, as well as criminal legal studies.
Racially and gender-diverse LAPD officers work closely with students to gain first-hand perspectives on public safety careers.
Physical Training (P.T.)
PT teacher C. Griffith leads this course. In this class, students go through extensive physical training in the magnet's dedicated obstacle course and weight room. Students also go through mandatory, weekly uniform inspections.
Career Technical Education 1 (C.T.E.): Intro to Criminal Law
CTE Teacher Q.A. Roura introduces criminal justice institutions, criminal procedure, the model penal code, and the application of criminal elements to crimes. And students perform criminal trials in Wilson's mock courtroom.
Career Technical Education 2 (C.T.E): Juvenile Justice
CTE Teacher Q.A. Roura teaches how constitutional rights are applied to youth, including deep discussions into the freedoms of speech, peaceful assembly, religion, property rights and due process.
Forensics and Crime Scene Investigation
Forensics instructor, M. Navas introduces students to the scientific world of forensics. Students participate in hands-on experiments in Wilson's forensics lab.
College and Career Readiness
This magnet school's coursework meets all the requirements of UCs and CSUs admissions.
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