- WHS Title I School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2024-2025
- Política de Participación para Padres y Familias de Título I 2024-2025
- WHS School Parent Compact
- WHS Acuerdo Entre Escuela y Padres
- Summary of the LAUSD Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- Resumen de la Política Título I de LAUSD para la Involucración de los Padres y las Familias
Attached Files
- Attach C1 Notification_of_Federal_& State_Title_I_Parent_and_Family_Engagemt.docx (1) (1).pdf
- Attach C2 Notification_of_Federal & State_Title_I_Parent_and_Family_Engagemt.docx (2) (1).pdf
- WHS School Parent Compact English 2024-2025 (2).docx (1).pdf
- WHS SchoolParentCompact Spanish2024-2025_Modified.docx (1).pdf
- WHS Title I Parent and Family EngagementPolicyEng 2024-2025.docx.pdf
- WHS Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy Span 2024-2025.pdf